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Your props: le musée Fury

Yourprops.com est un musée online gratuit nous permettant de retrouver les accessoires en tout genre que nous avons pu apercevoir en regardant nos films préférés.

Evidemment, la question que tout le monde se pose est la suivante : peut-on les acheter ? Et la réponse est...non, en théorie. Mais on a quand même le droit d'en prendre plein les yeux en allant visiter cette page web.

Voici aujourd'hui pour vous le « Fury »

This is one of the Tanker Jacket's worn by Brad Pitt in director David Ayer's stunning war movie, FURY. The jacket is distressed for use by Pitt and was obtained directly from set at the end of filming in the UK. A classic piece of history from what is sure to become one of the best WW2 movies ever brought to the screen.

This is a Brad Pitt TANKER HELMET & GOGGLES worn in director David Ayer's epic WW2 movie, FURY. Brad Pitt plays the role of Don 'Wardaddy' Collier, a commander of a platoon of tanks edging their way deeper into Germany after the D-Day Landings. This helmet has been Screen-Matched to the one worn by Brad in the suspense-filled sequence involving the TIGER 1 Tank. Marks across the top rim of the helmet and the bend in strap indicate the Screen-Match. An epic piece of movie history.

This is one of the revised, final shooting scripts for the Brad Pitt stunning World War 2 movie, FURY. The script shows extensive use from set and is stained with mud and hand written notes on some pages.